Urbanites Flock to Atlantic Canada as Pandemic Blunts Cities’ Appeal
BONAVISTA, Newfoundland — Only a few years ago in Bonavista, a small and sleepy windswept fishing town in Newfoundland, dozens…
As Hackers Take Down Newfoundland’s Health Care System, Silence Descends
For many months now, the residents of Newfoundland and Labrador have had to put up with canceled or delayed medical…
La conexión Bolsonaro-Trump que amenaza las elecciones de Brasil
BRASILIA — La sala de conferencias estaba repleta, con más de 1000 personas vitoreando los ataques contra la prensa, los…
The Bolsonaro-Trump Connection Threatening Brazil’s Elections
BRASÍLIA — The conference hall was packed, with a crowd of more than 1,000 cheering attacks on the press, the…
Bolsonaro Joins a Centrist Party in Brazil Ahead of 2022 Re-election Bid
BRASILIA, Brazil — After going two years without belonging to a political party, President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil sealed an…
Canada approves Pfizer-BioNTech boosters for all adults.
Canada’s health agency authorized booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine nationwide on Tuesday, broadening eligibility to anyone over the ...
La ultraderecha brasileña se refugia en Telegram para promover la desinformación
RÍO DE JANEIRO — Poco después de que el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump fue expulsado de Twitter a inicios de…
Costly tests may deter Canadians from making quick trips to the U.S.
Throughout the pandemic, Canadians have been able to travel to the United States for nonessential reasons like visiting family and…
‘Aquí nadie va a elegir’: Ortega aplasta a la disidencia en Nicaragua
MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Después de sofocar de una forma muy metódica a la competencia y la disidencia, el presidente Daniel…
Nicaragua Descends Into Autocratic Rule as Ortega Crushes Dissent
MANAGUA, Nicaragua — After methodically choking off competition and dissent, President Daniel Ortega all but ensured his victory in a…