
Schumer’s Strong Condemnation of Netanyahu

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Chuck SchumerCredit…Kent Nishimura for The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “Schumer Voices Harsh Criticism of Israel Leader” (front page, March 15):

My heartfelt gratitude to Senator Chuck Schumer for his bold, pointed call for removal of extremists blocking the path to peace in Israel and Palestine, and for calling out Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government’s actions as antithetical to both democracy and Judaism.

As a Jewish American I am deeply moved by Senator Schumer’s use of his platform as our highest-ranking Jewish elected official to call for peace, prosperity and security for Israel and Palestine. And for centering his words in Jewish values. The great scholar Hillel taught: “What is hateful to you do not do to your fellow. This is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary.”

During this holy time of year, when Ramadan, Easter and Passover implore us toward reflection, compassion and commitment to freedom, I hope that Senator Schumer will follow with an insistence on a permanent rather than a temporary cease-fire.

Only a permanent cease-fire will bring the hostages home, and allow massive humanitarian aid and time to reflect and work on a shared vision for freedom, self-determination, dignity, security and lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians.

Nancy Bermon
Nyack, N.Y.

To the Editor:

The imperial arrogance of some of our leaders and pundits, such as Senator Chuck Schumer, is truly astounding. It is not the job of the United States to prescribe leadership for the Israelis and the Palestinians. We should stop trying to run a puppet show over there.

It is a distraction from the greatest need of the moment — to stop the killing. Instead of imposing our political agenda, why not use our leverage with Israel to stop the killing first, and look at the politics afterward?

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