Which Cities Are Best at Celebrating Thanksgiving?
Last November, many Americans celebrated Thanksgiving via video or at home with immediate family. This year, with vaccinations and booster shots in their arms, many will be returning to their holiday traditions, gathering in larger groups and traveling to get there.
While few would dispute that the best place to observe the holiday is with friends and family, some cities are just better at celebrating Thanksgiving than others. A WalletHub study scored the 100 largest cities in the United States on 20 metrics over five categories to achieve an overall ranking.
The “celebrations and traditions” category measured the number of community celebrations, the number of holiday shops, and internet searches on the subject. “Cost and affordability” covered the local price of turkey and the trimmings, and the number of affordable quality restaurants and hotels available in each city.
Vaccination rates were addressed in the “safety and accessibility” category, as was crime, pedestrian and auto safety, and flight delays and traffic. The “giving thanks” category was based on volunteer opportunities and activity, plus a tally of charitable organizations and contributions. Finally, a “weather” score was determined by comparing typical Thanksgiving temperature and precipitation against the national average.
If you’re in Laredo, Texas, turkey and trimmings will cost the least; in San Francisco, the most. Baltimore topped all cities for per capita hours of volunteer work, while New York City residents gave the least time. And if you really need your pie, know that among the cities on the list, Miami has the most pumpkin patches and Tampa, Fla., the fewest.
In this week’s chart you’ll find WalletHub’s 10 best and 10 worst cities for Thanksgiving, as well as the two categories which most hurt or helped each city reach its final spot.
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