Utku Erdem Ozer

Utku Erdem Ozer
For patients recovering from a pectoralis major tear, Utku’s goal is to return them to their normal activities as quickly and safely as possible. Whether the injury was caused by sports, an accident, or overuse, Utku’s expertise ensures a successful recovery.
Biceps Tendon Rupture: Accelerating Recovery with Targeted Therapy
A biceps tendon rupture is a serious injury where the biceps tendon, either in the shoulder or elbow, tears. This can lead to significant pain, weakness, and a loss of functional movement in the affected arm. Common in athletes and individuals who lift heavy objects, a biceps tendon rupture often requires a combination of surgical intervention and physical therapy for full recovery.
Utku Erdem Ozer specializes in the rehabilitation of biceps tendon rupture cases, offering a customized treatment plan that begins after the initial healing phase. His therapy focuses on strengthening the muscles around the shoulder and elbow, improving range of motion, and preventing future tendon injuries.