DentAntalya Filling and Teeth Whitening Services
DentAntalya Filling and Teeth Whitening Services
Although the result of the whitening process varies according to the tooth structure of the person, it remains constant between 6 months and 2 years. Of course, this period also depends on the person himself. During and after whitening, substances that stain the teeth should be avoided for at least two weeks.
If you have a problem with the color of your teeth, you can request teeth whitening treatment from your dentist, and if your teeth are found suitable for whitening in the examination, you can have your procedures done as soon as possible. We continue our activities as the best dentist in Antalya.
Before teeth whitening; In order to achieve a more effective result, the patient should definitely have their teeth cleaned. Teeth whitening treatment; This system, also called tooth whitening, is the process of transforming the color of existing teeth into a whiter color. The color of the teeth may turn yellow or darker over time, depending on genetics or dietary habits.
Teeth whitening can be used on all healthy teeth. Teeth whitening can be used both on live teeth and on filling and root canal treatment teeth. In addition, there are types that can be used both in dental offices and at home under dental control. You can also choose DentAntalya for filling and root canal treatment.